Section 51. Powers of Court to enforce execution: Subject to such conditions and limitations as may be prescribed, the Court may, on the application of the decree-holder, order execution of the decree: (a) by delivery of any property specifically decreed; (b) by attachment and sale or by the sale without attachment of any property; (c) by arrest and detention in prison 1[for such period not exceeding the period specified in section 58, where arrest and detention is permissible under that section; (d) by appointing a receiver; or (e) in such other manner as the nature of the relief granted may require.
If ‘A % B’ means ‘A is the daughter of B’, ‘A & B’ means ‘A is the wife of B’, and ‘A # B’ means ‘A is the son of B’, then how i...
How is S related to Q in the expression “P – Q % R X S?
Statements : R < Q ≤ T > S = V, D < F ≤ Q
Conclusions : I. T > D II. F < R
If expression ‘H@E#I$G#J’ is true and P is brother of J then how is P’s brother-in-law related to H?
If (A # B) means A is son of B, (A & B) means A is mother of B, (A @ B) means A is father of B, (A $ B) means A is sister of B. If F # G $ H @ I & J $ K...
If R ÷ S + T + U, which of the following is true?
. ‘L&M’ means ‘L is husband of M’.
‘L%M’ means ‘L is wife of M’.
‘L@M’ means ‘L is father of M’.
‘L#M’ ...
What will come in the place of question mark to make F is mother of H, in expression C # D $ E @ F & G ? H?
L @ K * J * I @ G @ H % F, How is J related to H?
Read the given information carefully and answer the question that follows.
‘B $ C’ means ‘B is the father of C’.
‘B & C’ means...