In Mithu vs State of Punjab, a five-Judge Bench of the SC struck down Section 303 of the IPC, holding that the provision violated Articles 14 and 21 of the Constitution. As per Section 303, if a person undergoing life imprisonment committed murder, they would mandatorily be sentenced to death. The SC held that the provision drew an arbitrary distinction between persons committing murder and persons undergoing life imprisonment who committed murder. There was no rationale behind this distinction. Further, a mandatory death sentence prevents courts from exercising their discretion.
When unemployment of potential workers that is not reflected in official unemployment statistics, due to the way the statistics are collected, it is kn...
To which taxonomic division do mosses belong?
In the acronym CAGR, what does the letter ‘C’ stand for?
Which of the following committees examined and suggested the financial sector reforms?
A set of three statements regarding measures of National income are given below.
Read each statement and answer whether each statement is true or...
Which of the following metric is not an indicator of growth of a nation?
Which of the following statements about Indirect Tax is incorrect?
When to accomplish a particular necessity, the Demand of various goods is increased automatically into the market , it is known as ________________ .
Fill in the Blanks:
………………………… involves changing the interest rate and influencing the money supply. ……………….. ...
In Which Five Year Plan India Opted for Mixed Economy?