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S 108. Rights and liabilities of lessor and lessee.— In the absence of a contract or local usage to the contrary, the lessor and the lessee of immoveable property, as against one another, respectively, possess the rights and are subject to the liabilities mentioned in the rules next following, or such of them as are applicable to the property leased:— (A) Rights and liabilities of the lessor (a) the lessor is bound to disclose to the lessee any material defect in the property, with reference to its intended use, of which the former is and the latter is not aware, and which the latter could not with ordinary care discover: (b) the lessor is bound on the lessee’s request to put him in possession of the property: (c) the lessor shall be deemed to contract with the lessee that, if the latter pays the rent reserved by the lease and performs the contracts binding on the lessee, he may hold the property during the time limited by the lease without interruption. The benefit of such contract shall be annexed to and go with the lessee’s interest as such, and may be enforced by every person in whom that interest is for the whole or any part thereof from time to time vested (B) Rights and liabilities of the lessee (d) if during the continuance of the lease any accession is made to the property, such accession (subject to the law relating to alluvion for the time being in force) shall be deemed to be comprised in the lease.
Get out from here IMMEDIATELY . (Phrasal verbs)
Directions: Sentences are given below with phrasal verbs highlighted in bold that may be grammatically or contextually wrong. Find the correct answer ...
In the following question a sentence or a phrase is given which can be substituted by one word. Choose the most appropriate word explaining the sentence...
In the following question a sentence or a phrase is given which can be substituted by one word. Choose the most appropriate word explaining the sentenc...
Directions: Sentences are given below with phrasal verbs highlighted in bold that may be grammatically or contextually wrong. Find the correct answer f...
Choose the correct word that can replace the given phrase.
a person who is fanatical about cleanliness and tidiness
Look up
A. She used a dictionary to look up to the definition of the challenging word.
B. The history enthusiast loves to look up fac...
Blow Off
A. She felt it was disrespectful when he blew off her invitation to the important event.
B. She regretted blowing off the op...
Directions : Identify the words that are similar in meaning to the phrase in bold. If none of options conveys the correct meaning, mark (E) as your a...
Find the correct meaning of highlighted word/phrase.
My friend conceals nothing from me.