Section 31.Shelf prospectus- (1) Any class or classes of companies, as the Securities and Exchange Board may provide by regulations in this behalf, may file a shelf prospectus with the Registrar at the stage of the first offer of securities included therein which shall indicate a period not exceeding one year as the period of validity of such prospectus which shall commence from the date of opening of the first offer of securities under that prospectus, and in respect of a second or subsequent offer of such securities issued during the period of validity of that prospectus, no further prospectus is required
What is the relationship between tolerance and acceptance?
Why is objectivity important in decision-making?
What distinguishes privacy from confidentiality?
How can self-awareness contribute to the development of emotional intelligence?
How can organizational structure facilitate ethical leadership?
What does the concept of "cultural relativism" in ethics suggest?
Impartiality is essential in:
What role do values play in decision-making?
How do personal values differ from terminal values?
What is the primary ethical concern related to the use of confidential information by a public servant?