An auto insurance is a policy purchased by vehicle owners to mitigate costs associated with getting into an auto accident. Instead of paying out of pocket for auto accidents, people pay annual premiums to an auto insurance company; the company then pays all or most of the costs associated with an auto accident or other vehicle damage.
Select the most appropriate option for each blank.
The coronavirus spreads mostly through droplets that people send ______ when they talk, sneeze...
Fill in the blank with the most appropriate word.
Ramesh would not have been successful in the project but …….my help.
Indians are _____________ with corruption and exhausted by poverty. But therein lies the tension: Ending poverty needs a more adventurous state while en...
The transaction ___ subject ____ regulatory approvals.
The company offered me a higher salary or more leaves and I chose the ____________.
She _____ her shoulders in response to his question, indicating that she didn’t know the answer.
1) break
2) record
3) temper
4) loud
5) duty
"The manager's decision to implement the new software system was met with widespread __________ from the employees, who were concerned about the changes."
Choose the correct option to fill blank 3.
Fill in the blanks with appropriate words from the alternatives given below each sentence.
He advised me, “You had better ______ now”. <...