Retting is a microbiological process which loosens the outer bark and makes it easier to remove the fibres from the stalk. Mesta - Mesta is a bast fibre, which grows extensively in India and in some parts of Eastern Asia. It is used as a substitute for jute. Stripping - Stripping is the process of removing the fibres from the stalk after the completion of retting. Timbering - building material of wood.
Which of the following is NOT an element of the marketing mix?
Which method is considered the best for milking ?
Which of the following book is on conservation agriculture?
Cycocel is a:
Which of the following is the first hybrid of sunflower released in India?
The headquarter of Cotton Corporation of India is located at
UPOV stands for
____ are non – pigmented specialized secretory tissues
Chlorine is associated to photosynthesis in production of:
Golden rice, which is genetically modified, is rich in: