Security and Exchange Board of India (SEBI) found PwC guilty in the Satyam case and barred it from auditing any listed company for two years.
In a civil suit, what is the purpose of a temporary injunction?
Limitation to file suit under Section 6 of the Specific Relief act 1963, is:
The law of limitation runs from the:
An amendment of the Constitution can be carried out by____
What is the aim of Public International Law?
A. promotion of friendly relations among the member states
B. providing for basic humanitaria...
Identify the punishment which is not prescribed under the category of punishments in the Indian Penal Code:
Who comprises the Cyber Regulations Advisory Committee according to Section 88 of the IT Act?
According to the Insurance Act, what is the consequence of failing to deposit the annual fee by an insurer who has been granted a certificate of registr...
Partner's liability for acts of the firm is___?
Whoever, being in the manner entrusted with property or having dominion over property dishonestly misappropriates or converts to his own use that prope...