Which of the following are assets of issue department of RBI
The correct answer is D
The use of synthetic chemicals is prohibited in
The full form of UNCTAD is:
Which of the following e-commerce initiatives is specifically designed for rural markets in India?
In sheep, what is the term used for the act of mating?
Forage crops includes
(A) Sorghum
(B) Elephant grass
(C) Guinea grass
(D) Berseem
(E) Cassava
Choose the correct answer from the options given below:
Which of the following is not matched correctly in context with the growth stages in wheat crop?
The opening on an arthropod body surface that allows for air transfer is called:
What agricultural system involves the deliberate use of land for simultaneous agricultural, tree, and forest crop production?
The Agricultural and Processed Food Products Export Development Authority exports which of the following?
Which is the first and foremost gelling agent used to impart a gelled texture to foods, mainly fruit based foods?