Five new modern fishing harbors include Kochi, Chennai, Visakhapatnam, Paradip and Petuaghat.
An effective MIS (Management Information System) should have all the features, except?
Who popularized nudge theory?
What is the theme of the third Global Hackathon organized by the Reserve Bank of India?
Which of the following government securities pays interest semiannually?
The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has raised the upper limit of an offline payment transaction to ________ from the existing Rs 200 to promote the use of ...
Under which of the following types of barriers to the effective communication can anger, frustration, pride etc. be categorized?
As per the Budget 2024, what is the newly increased deduction from family pension income under the new tax regime?
What is the main goal of the SEBIdirected industrywide stress tests for the mutual fund industry?
Consider the following and state which of these is/are component(s) of internal debt?
I. ...
Provision for Bad Debts is required to be maintained in the books as per which principle?