Among the following which is the State Tree of Rajasthan?
Khejri is the most dominant tree of the western Rajasthan, Khejri is called the state tree of Rajasthan. It was declared a state tree in the year 1982-83.
A duplicate certificate of shares may be issued, if such certificate
In case of___________________ it was held that the object of this provision is to prevent courts of concurrent jurisdiction from simultaneously entertai...
According to the SEBI Act all sums realized by way of penalties can be ____________
What is CPI as per RBI Act, 1934?
Which of the following Articles of the Indian Constitution deals with the applicability of Mandamus?
Which case is known as Mignoets’ case?
Every Nidhi Company shall, within a period of one year from the commencement of the Nidhi Rules 2014, ensure that it has _______________
Section 7 of the Court Fees Act, 1870 deals with________.
The tribunal that is constituted for LLP disputes is:
A instigates B to instigate C to murder Z. Accordingly, B instigated C to murder Z and subsequently C committed the murder to Z. Under this situation, a...