"Anobjectatreststaysatrestand an object in motion stays in motion with the same speed and in the same direction unless acteduponbyanunbalancedforce."Infact,itis thenaturaltendencyofobjectsto resistchanges in their state of motion.
Name the centre that was opened by both Prime Minister Narendra Modi and Banjamin Netanyahu to facilitate entrepreneurship in Ahmadabad:
What is the Currency of Kuwait?
In which of the following years, progressive liberalisation of the Indian economy was first initiated?
Which among the following states is ranked third among the larger states category in recently released 4th State Food Safety Index (SFSI)?
Who has authored the book “Dreams from My Father”?
. Name the cricketer who became the first player to score six double centuries as captain.
The ‘Loor Dance’ is a famous dance form of which state?
International Day of Awareness of Food Loss and Waste is being celebrated annually on?
अरावली पर्वतमाला दक्षिण -पष्चिम में राजस्थान के किस जि...
Where is the World Trade Organization's headquarters situated?