Sir Isaac Newton brought out his monograph, titled `Philosoplliae Naturalis Principia Mathematica,' in 1687. In this work, Newton described universal gravitation and the three laws of motion, which dominated the scientific view of the physical universe for the next three centuries. Newton showed that the motions of objects on Earth and of celestial bodies are governed by the same set of natural laws, by demonstrating the consistency between Kepler's laws of planetaly motion and his theory of gravitation, thus removing the last doubts about helio-centrism and advancing the Scientific Revolution.
Which component of the cuticle becomes water insoluble due to tanning reactions during sclerotization?
Subsidy for green house is given under ___
Which of these implements can be used for earthing sugarcane and potato
What is the preferred soil pH for jackfruit cultivation?
Meloidogyne incognita which causes stunting of gladiolus plants and their yellowing is:
Match List I with List II :
Choose the correct answer...
In Agribusiness Marketing, what does the term "Market Research" refer to?
Uttarakhand CM recently launched the A-HELP' (Accredited Agent for Health and Expansion of Livestock Production) program in the state.Which am...
Marketable surplus is:
Which cost refers to the additional cost incurred by producing one additional unit of output?