The Telangana government has decided to set up the India’s first ‘Blockchain district’ in Hyderabad to create an ecosystem for all the start-ups and institutes working in the space. This would focus on banking, financial services and insurance; pharma and healthcare and much more.
Doctrine of part-performance is covered under which section of the Transfer of Property Act?
Under what circumstances can an agency relationship be terminated?
In execution of decree of money-
The following are necessary conditions to constitute-
a.Identity of matter in issue
b.Identity of parties
c.Same title
d.Concurrence of jurisdiction
A super-imposed photograph of the deceased over the skeleton of a human body to prove that the skeleton was of the deceased is relevant under.
Who are the persons who are not eligible to make an application for the initiation of the corporate insolvency resolution process under the IBC?
A private person can also arrest any person who is:
Which order of CPC talks about Temporary Injunctions and Interlocutory orders?
Whoever causes death by doing an act with the intention of causing death, or with the intention of causing such bodily injury as is likely to cause deat...
Detention of a judgment- debtor in civil prison is provided under which section of the Code of Civil Procedure?