Henry Becquerel invented Gamma rays. Homi Jehangir Bhabha is the father of Indian Nuclear Power.
Which of the following is the fourth sentence of the passage?
Given below are four jumbled sentences. Select the option that gives their correct order.
A. There he tasted the first sweet joy of liberty in th...
1. The shark was trained
P. existed between it
Q. to believe a barrier
R. so the bait fish swam
S. and the bait fis...
Given below are six sentences, four of which (P, Q. R, S), are jumbled. Pick the option that gives the correct order of P, Q, R, S.
S-1 A summary...
Sentences of a paragraph are given below. While the first and the last sentences (S1 and S6) are in the correct order, the sentences in between are jumb...
1. Contingent risks have become
P. have now increased
Q. to increase fee based
R. More important as banks
S. off balance she...
Select the option that arranges sentences A, B, C and D in a logical sequence.
A. This reputation overwhelms his record and when people think of ...
Which of the following would be the THIRD statement after rearrangement?
1. The Greeks believe that Prometheus is the Potter God.
P. One day, he decided to sculpt a statue of Truth.
Q. He makes man from clay.
Given below are four sentences, which are jumbled. Pick the option that gives the correct order.
P - Raju was deeply affected by a rail accident ...