The Department of Biotechnology plans to set up the first enzyme-manufacturing facility in Manesar, Haryana.
Select the figure from among the given options that can replace the question mark (?) in the following series.
Statement: There is a large increase in migration of villagers to urban areas as repeated crop failure has put them into financial problems.
In this question, two statements I and II have been given. These statements may be independent causes or effects of independent causes or a common caus...
In a certain code language, MALE is written as 2375 and CIRCULAR is written as 98496734 then how can CLAIM be written in that code language?
In a certain code language, THEN is written as RLBS. Which word will be written as AEPJ in that code language?
Which figure depicts the relationship between:
Man, Ornithology, Profession
One statement is given, and it is followed by two inferences numbered I and II. Read the statement and decide which of the inferences is/are true for th...
In a certain code language, if ‘raghav plays hockey’ is written as ‘xfjdni rzzmo ubghzs’, then ‘arun works hard’ will be written as:
...In a certain code language, ‘HIGHLY’ is written as ‘GRHYOH’ and 'CLEVER' is written as 'EOCRVV'. How will ‘HORROR’ be written in that langua...