Zero-balance digital current account for SMBs-Gurugram-based fintech company Chqbook joined hands with National Securities Depository Limited (NSDL) Payments Bank to launch a zero-balance digital current account for small business owners. The Chqbook’s current account for business will allow businesses to make deposits, withdrawals and will also accept UPI transactions. Small business owners like kiranas, chemists and others running small proprietorship establishments can open a current account on the Chqbook App from their smartphones in any of the eight languages available, including English.
The average expenditure of a man for the first 6 month is Rs.6000 and for the next 6 months is Rs.9000. If he saves 15000 in that year then find his ave...
Average age of 16 students is 18 years. If 4 students leave the class, then the average age decreases by 1.5 years. Find the average age of the students...
The average age of a class of 20 girls is 12 years. If 4 new girls having average age of 9 years join the class, then the average age of the class becomes:
The average price of 10 stickers is Rs.12 while the average price of 8 of these stickers is Rs.11.75. Of the remaining two stickers, if the price of one...
The average age of A and B is 17 years. If A is to be replaced by C, the average would be 16 years. The average age of C and A is 18 years. Find the age...
The average of three distinct numbers is 124. The average of the smallest and the largest of these numbers is also 124, with the smallest number being 2...
The average salary of an employee increased by Rs.2000 when he received a bonus of Rs.58000 in his 35th year of service. Find the average salary of the ...
A number is such that when it is multiplied by 9, it gives another number which is as much above from 420 as the original number (itself) is below 420. ...
The average age of A and B is 22 years. If A is to be replaced by C, the average would be 21 years. The average age of C and A is 23 years. Find the age...
The average age of a group of 70 students is 14 years. If three students whose ages are 22years, 20years, ________ years is replaced with three new stud...