The Prime Minister inaugurated India's first Earthquake and Museum Memorial named Smruti Van at Bhuj in Gujarat. It is built in an area of 470 acres on Bhujiyo Hill near Bhuj town. The memorial will give an insight about the destructive earthquake that hit on 26th January, 2001 which killed almost 13,000 people. It uses a 5D simulator to give a real like experience.
A 1.5 ha wheat crop filed was supplied with 6 cm depth of irrigation, compute how many liters of water has gone into the filed.
World Environment day was observed on ___
Which of the following States in India leads in Safflower cultivation?
Priyadarshani is a variety of
Which of the following crop is self pollinated in nature?
Which statement is true?
The stickiness in rice is due to ____
Which one is used to make a metallic tape?
The deterioration or loss of the productive capacity of the soils due to various reasons like human activity is called as ____
Group thinking has a danger of ......................?