Union Power Minister R K Singh unveiled Bharat eSmart Mobile Application (BeSMA) for prepaid smart meters, which will facilitate consumers to recharge their account and check balance amount in almost real time. The mobile app would build up on the data of the smart meters and would provide information to consumers with regard to their usage and balance electricity remaining, both in terms of units and monetary terms. The app provides multiple options and gateways like UPI, net banking, credit & debit card etc. for payment and recharge through mobile phones with ease. Ministry of Power Union Minister: R.K.Singh
X and Y are independent normal variables with mean 50 and 80 respectively and standard deviation as 4 and 3 respectively. What is the distribution o...
To estimate the average work experience of MBA students at a management institute, five students are selected at random from each type of background, s...
If rp be partial correlation compound on sample rAB.c compound from sample of size n, the test statistic for significance testing is
For the following frequency distribution
Class : 3-5 5-7 7-9 ...
With reference to analysis of variance. which of the following statements is/are correct?
(I) Change of origin will affect the value of F
...Which of the following statements is INCORRECT?
Following two statements are related to regression coefficient
(I) Independent of the change of origin
(II) Independent of the change of scale
If Arithmetic mean and coefficient of variation of x are 10 and 40 respectively, then the variance of y = 10 – 2x is:
For the ANOVA table
the F - statistics is