India, along with G7 countries and four invited countries, signed the ‘2022 Resilient Democracies Statement’. The countries resolved to “protecting the freedom of expression and opinion online and offline and ensuring a free and independent media landscape through our work with relevant international initiatives”. Germany holds the presidency of the G7 in 2022. Germany has invited India, along with Argentina, Indonesia, Senegal, and South Africa to the 2022 Summit as partner countries. Members: France, Germany, United Kingdom, Italy, United States of America, Canada and Japan.
What is the Isolation distance required for foundation seed production of okra?
According to Planning commission, Indian region is divided into how many agro climatic zones?
Which of the following is an asexual reproduction?
Alternaria blight disease can be effectively controlled by
What is the primary objective of the Central Warehousing Corporation (CWC)?
Which of the following is a maintainer line?
Vertebrates have a ventral muscular heart with………………..chambers
Awn character in rice (awn & awnless) is an example of ____
Fertiliser material that has maximum sulphur content is:
What is the deficiency symptom for Calcium in crops?