Green energy firm ReNew Power has partnered with United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) and Self-Employed Women’s Association of India (SEWA) launched ‘Project Surya’ to train 1,000 low-income women salt-pan workers to work in the renewable industry. Under ‘Project Surya’ initiative, women salt-pan workers, who work in the challenging and extreme temperatures at Rann of Kutch marshes, will be trained as solar panel and solar-pump technicians at Dhokavada village in the Patan district of Gujarat. ReNew will provide financial support and familiarisation with its renewable facility in the area, while SEWA is the lead implementation partner, UNEP will be responsible for monitoring and evaluating the project. ReNew Power is India's largest renewable energy company by operational capacity. Based in Gurgaon, Haryana, it has an asset base of over 10 GW, with around 5 GW operational. ReNew Power operates over 110 projects across 18 states in India, developing, building, owning and operating utility-scale wind and solar energy projects, including distributed solar energy production for commercial and industrial consumers. Founded: January, 2011 Founder: Sumant Sinha Headquarters: Gurgaon, Haryana
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'अरण्य' का पर्यायवाची है।
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