Markets regulator SEBI has set up an advisory committee on hybrid securities, which will make recommendations for giving a fillip to the growth of such instruments, including measures focusing on ease of issuance and attracting domestic and global capital. The 20-member committee will be chaired by K V Kamath, Chairperson of National Bank for Financing Infrastructure and Development.
Protein content in Soybean is:
Glufosinate inhibits the enzyme
A lluvial soils are derived from the sediment being deposited by the river Ganga in the Indo–Gangetic plain. Newly formed alluvial soils are known as...
The study of plant nutrition and growth and crop production in relation to soil management is known as
The inter-row space between two adjacent rows of the base crop in paired row planting is
The most popular fine wool sheep breed of the world is:
How many agricultural products MSP determined by the Agricultural Costs and Price Commission?
Banana is vegetatively propagated through
The scientific name Tasar Silkworm is:
Given below are two statements:
Statement I:
Single superphosphate, double superphosphate, and triple superphosphate are monocalcium ph...