Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi launched a global initiative ‘Lifestyle for the Environment - LiFE Movement’ via video conference. The launch will initiate ‘ LiFE Global Call for Papers’ inviting ideas and suggestions from academics, universities & research institutions etc to influence and persuade individuals, communities and organisations across the world to adopt an environment-conscious lifestyle. The idea of LiFE was introduced by the Prime Minister during the 26th United Nations Climate Change Conference of the Parties (COP26) in Glasgow last year. The idea promotes an environment-conscious lifestyle that focuses on 'mindful and deliberate utilisation ' instead of 'mindless and destructive consumption.
Storage temperature mainly prefer for frozen foods is/are
When male flowers are borne on one plant and female flower on a different plant the species is an international food standards body established with the objective of protecting consumer's health and ensuring fair practices in ...
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“Kisan Bharti” periodical is published from:
Which among the following is the leading state in millet production?
Who is the father of organic farming?
The source of the Sun's energy is the process of –
What is identified as a weakness in the performance of Regional Rural Banks (RRBs) in terms of financial markets?
The minimum area to be delineated for regional planning is _________ ha.