DISCOMs stands for ‘Distribution Company’. Discoms are the companies that are responsible for the distribution the electricity to the consumers. These companies do not produce electricity, they buy the electricity from the producers and then distribute it to consumers. For the second time in two years, the union ministry of power has notified a scheme for the power distribution companies (discoms) to defer their dues towards the power generating companies (gencos). With the dues of the discoms touching a record high of Rs 1 trillion, the ministry has proposed a scheme to liquidate the discoms’ dues. The proposed scheme would enable the discoms to pay their dues in 48 instalments. According to the government data, Tamil Nadu is the biggest defaulter, with Rs 20,842 crore dues to gencos. It is followed by Maharashtra, with Rs 18,000 crore dues and Uttar Pradesh with Rs 9,000 crore.
The middle layer of the world's oceans receives only faint,filtered sunlight during the daytime. This barely-lit ocean layer is called the Disphotic zon...
At what stage should maize seeds be harvested for optimal seed yield?
Which is an oxygen absorber in active packaging
Which of the following is/are not Green House Gases?
1. Nitrous oxide
2. Ozone
3. Sulphur dioxide
Select t...
Which of the following variety of wheat is resistant to yellow rust and wheat blast?
Who among the following received the Norman E. Borlaug Award for Field Research and Application, 2023?
Water soluble vitamins include:
The alkaloid present in young sorghum leaves which caused sorghum poisoning is ____
Which of the following statement about Pteridophytes is incorrect?
Which layer of the earth’s atmosphere reflects back the radio waves to the earth’s surface?