The National Health Authority (NHA) under its flagship scheme of Ayushman Bharat Digital Mission (ABDM) announced the launch of a revamped Ayushman Bharat Health Account (ABHA) mobile application. The ABHA app will be instrumental in helping citizens to create their longitudinal health records by giving patients access to their health records to save their health history on a single platform and access or share their health records anytime and anywhere without a worry of losing them. The Ayushman Bharat Health Account (ABHA) Mobile App was previously known as NDHM Health Records or PHR App. About Ayushman Bharat Digital Mission Ayushman Bharat Digital Mission was launched in September 2021 by the Prime Minister. It aims to provide digital health IDs for all Indian citizens to help hospitals, insurance firms, and citizens access health records electronically when required. The project is being implemented in the pilot phase in six States & Union Territories. The National Health Authority (NHA) under the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare will be the implementing Agency.
I. Some Apples are being Bananas is a possibility
II. At least Some Papayas are being Bananas i...
Atleast some Oranges are Apple
Only Apple is Mango
Only a few Watermelons are Orange
Statements: All pens are papers.
Some papers are not books.
All books are pencils.
Read the given statements and conclusions carefully. Assuming that the information given in the statements is true, even if it appears to be at varianc...
Statements: Some laptop are tablet.
Some tablet are computer.
Conclusions: I. A...
Statements: All rollers are coasters.
Some swings are rollers.
All bridges are swings.
. Conclusions: I. All coasters being swing...
Only a few organisations are employees.
All employees are employer.
Some employer are supervisors.
Only a few ...
Statements: All hotels are busses.
Some buses are cars.
All cars are trams.
Some trams are clouds.
Conclusions:I. some trams...
Statements: All AC are Fans.
All Fans are Coolers.
Conclusions: I. All AC are Coolers.
II. Some Fans are AC.
III. No AC i...
Statement : All times are distances.
All distances are trains.
All trains are averages.
No average is speed.