Manik Saha took oath as the new Chief Minister of Tripura at the Raj Bhawan in Agartala on May 15, 2022. Dr. Manik Saha is currently a Rajya Sabha MP from Tripura and is the president of the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP)'s Tripura unit. He is a dental surgeon by profession. He has served as the Professor and Head of the Department of the Tripura Medical College and BR Ambedkar Memorial Teaching Hospital in Agartala. He had quit Congress and joined the BJP in 2016. He was appointed BJP's Tripura unit president in 2020 and was elected to the Rajya Sabha in March 2022. He is currently also serving as president of the Tripura Cricket Association.
Around _______ households sought work under the flagship Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme (MGNREGS) in May, which is the highes...
Which country has become India's biggest Oil exporter in the month of May?
Morgan Stanely has projected India’s GDP growth forecast for 2022-23 (FY23) at ________%.
Conference on Financial Literacy in Amrit Kaal - Empowering Investors to be held at which North-Eastern state of India?
When was the Employees' Provident Funds and Miscellaneous Provisions Act enacted?
In which state the 37th edition of National Games of India will be organized?
Which of the following countries is not included in the Visa Free countries for Indian Passport Holders?
As per WMO’s report, CO2 concentration levels reached what value in 2023?
SpaceX's Polaris Dawn mission will feature the first spacewalk by which group?
Sarathi, a first-of-its-kind digital onboarding journey to enable Electronic Data Capture (EDC) or Point of Sale (POS) for merchants to provide a seam...