On May 17, the International Day Against Homophobia, Biphobia, and Transphobia is commemorated. The Goal is coordinating international events to raise awareness of LGBT rights violations and inspire interest in LGBT rights work around the world. That date was chosen to honour the World Health Organization’s (WHO) decision in 1990 to remove homosexuality from the International Classification of Diseases.
What is the smallest and largest font size available in Font Size tool on formatting toolbar?
Term hub is related to which of the following topology?
Ink Jet Printer is an example of which among the following?
_______________ is used in second generation computer.
Which file are contents readymade styles that can be used for a word document?
What is the shortcut key for inserting ‘Copyright Symbol’?
Snowbol is an/a---------
What is the shortcut key for highlighting the text in Excel?
Junk e-mail is also called
To select an entire row, the combination of keys to be pressed is: