It was launched on 29th March, 2022 by Maharashtra Home Minister Dilip Walse Patil. It will provide loans to nearly 1,055 prisoners at Yerawada Central Jail, Pune. the loan will be given without any collateral security. The loan amount allowed will be Rs 50,000 at 7% interest.
Delhi is working on a strategy to make 80% of its buses electric by the year_____.
According to an India Press Freedom Report 2021 released by the Rights and Risks Analysis Group (RRAG), which is the most dangerous place for Indian jou...
The ruins of the ancient city of Hampi - capital of Vijayanagara - is located in which present day Indian state?
Which of the following public sector company became the biggest buyers on the government e-marketplace (GeM) portal?
Who was appointed as the chairman and managing director of Air India Ltd?