Eligible beneficiaries include farmers, FPOs, PACS, Marketing Cooperative Societies, SHGs, Joint Liability Groups (JLG), Multipurpose Cooperative Societies, Agri-entrepreneurs, Start-ups, and Central/State agency or Local Body sponsored Public-Private Partnership Projects.
As per Article 58 of the Constitution of India, the minimum age for the election of the President is________.
When an immovable property has been sold in execution of a decree and sale has become absolute, property shall be deemed to have vested in the purchaser...
Which companies cannot make political contributions and under section 182 of the Companies Act?
Which of the following is not an example of vicarious liability?
Composition of Finance Commission is________________-
What is meant by Hurt as per the IPC?
Seller is entitled to rent from the property_____.
Which part of the Indian Evidence Act, 1872 deals with the Relevancy of facts?
Which section of the Central Vigilance Commission Act lays down provisions relating to the expenses of Commission to be charged on the Consolidated Fund...
In which of the following offences, the element of mens rea is required to be proved?