Bollywood actor Sanjay Dutt has been roped in as Brand Ambassador of '50 Years of Arunachal Pradesh' celebration. The celebrations would start from January 20 to February 20, 2022, commemorating the birth of Arunachal Pradesh as a state. Known erstwhile as North Eastern Frontier Agency (NEFA), Arunachal Pradesh came into existence as a Union Territory on January 20 1972.
What Temple is also known as Peacock Island Temple?
A film based on a famous Indian personality recently won the US Documentary Grand Jury Award. Who is the person?
Bikaner Camel Festival was recently organized in the state of:
Which of the following services is provided to PMJDY account holders at zero cost?
In the Union Budget 2021- 22, the government has proposed how many new modern fishing harbors?
According to the 2011 census, the Indian state that has the dubious distinction of having the worst male – female ratio is
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Who authored the autobiography titled "My Country My Life"?
Name the state which will hold its first Global Investors' Summit in February:
Which of the following denotes a plateau phase in population growth?