World Science Day for Peace and Development is an international day that highlights the important role that science has in society and celebrated on 10 November annualy. It also highlights the need to engage the wider public in debates on emerging scientific issues. World Science Day was proclaimed by the UNESCO in 2001 and celebrated for the first time in 2002. Theme 2021: Building Climate-Ready Communities
What is SMPS?
Which of the devices converts drawing, printed text or other images into digital form?
A new Laptop has been produced that weighs less, is smaller and uses less power than previous Laptop models. Which of the following technologies has bee...
Which Function key is commonly used to access the Help menu in many software applications?
Which of the following scrambles a message by applying a secret code?
Jatin’s laptop has an LCD screen. The acronym LCD stands for:
Which one of the following is not a linear data structure ?
Bluetooth is a type of radio wave information transmission system that is good for about ____________
Binary equivalent of decimal number 35 is
Which of the following is not a virus ?