
    In each of the questions, a sentence is divided into five parts namely A, B, C, D and E. In which one of the parts is given in bold and is grammatically and contextually correct. You have to identify which fragment, apart from the bold one, is correct in terms of grammar and usage.

    The updated protocol provided for (A)/home isolation at

    the fully vaccinated asymptomatic persons (B)/and another categories and took (C)/ the vaccination status as one of the (D)/deciding factor for hospitalisation (E).
    A The updated protocol provided for Correct Answer Incorrect Answer
    B home isolation at the fully vaccinated asymptomatic persons Correct Answer Incorrect Answer
    C and another categories and took Correct Answer Incorrect Answer
    D deciding factor for hospitalisation Correct Answer Incorrect Answer
    E All are correct Correct Answer Incorrect Answer


    2- the preposition ‘at’ is incorrect. It should be replaced with ‘of’. 3- ‘other categories’ is correct. 4- ‘factors’ is correct because it is preceded by ‘one of the’. The updated protocol provided for home isolation of the fully vaccinated asymptomatic persons and other categories and took the vaccination status as one of the deciding factors for hospitalisation.

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