At a meeting of State Education Ministers here, a majority off the States supported a common entrance test that would save the students from writing multiple entrance tests.
The correct answer is A
Is According to the Contract Act Consideration not necessary_____________
Where immoveable property of one person is by act of parties or operation of law made security for the payment of money to another, and the transaction ...
The term negotiable instrument is defined in the Negotiable Instruments Act 1881, under
Total 6 types of Punishments are provided unders of IPC?
As per the Information Technology Act, 2000, if any person, dishonestly or fraudulently, does any act referred to in section 43, he shall be punishable ...
How is the delivery to bailee made?
It was held that the dying declaration made through signs, gestures or by nods are admissible as evidence, in the case of?
A Civil Court has power to issue Commissions for?
All agreements are not contract if it is________________
What is meant by Hurt as per the IPC?