Explanation: Apathetic is a person who is indifferent or apathetic towards emotions or feelings. Empathetic is a person who is able to understand and share the feelings of others. Sympathetic is a person who shows compassion or understanding towards others' feelings. Antipathetic is a person who is opposed to someone or something.
How many irrigation is required in wheat crop:
The earthworm that is considered as surface dwellers live near the soil surface is called as?
Plants absorb nickel in the form of:
……………… is the apex body in India for research and education pertaining to Agriculture?
Which of the following is the algal symbiotic of Azolla responsible for biological N fixation?
In paddy, the clipping of tip of seedlings is done as a preventive measure against which pest?
TRIPS (Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights) agreement is administered by the _______ .
With respect to irradiation of food, which one of the following is INCORRECT:
Which of the following example of semi-perishable food
A mechanism of pulleys and cables which were designed to transport a large number of bananas from large plantations to processing / packing plants is _...