
    Each question is divided into four parts a,b,c,d. In

    some questions they are not in the sequence so according to grammar and context re- arrangement is given in the options. choose best suitable answer. has been identified as a major source of air pollution(A),North-Westerns states of India(B),cultivation cycle in the rural regions of Northern and(C),the farm burning, specific to the paddy-wheat(D)
    A D-A only Correct Answer Incorrect Answer
    B D-A and B-C Correct Answer Incorrect Answer
    C B-C only Correct Answer Incorrect Answer
    D C-A only Correct Answer Incorrect Answer


    issue is farm burning , can easily understand. Correct sequence: The farm burning, specific to the paddy-wheat cultivation cycle in the rural regions of Northern and North-Westerns states of India, has been identified as a major source of air pollution.

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