The correct answer is C
As per the new guidelines on use of “Beacons”, which vehicles are allowed to use beacons?
Which Indian state has become the first to adopt a water budget in a bid to address water scarcity in certain regions?
What innovative approach did SpaceX employ in 2024 to reduce the cost of space travel?
The Centre has released an amount of________- to 22 state governments under the State Disaster Response Funds (SDRF).
Recently JSW Steel signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) with which of the folloiwng German engineering and technology company, for exploring decar...
Who is appointed as next IMF’s Chief Economist to succeed Gita Gopinath?
Which organization among the options is planning to launch "Bima Vahak" in every gram panchayat?
“It’s Fun Banking” is the tagline of which of the following small finance banks?
India’s first dedicated space for writers and artists, “Writers’ Village,” is located in which state?
Who is the author of the book titled "Parliament: Powers, Functions & Privileges; A Comparative Constitutional Perspective"?