Statement b is false, because the SMC and MVC curves actually coincide. MVC shows the change in a firm's total variable cost if its output changes by one unit, while SMC shows the change in its short-run total cost if its output changes by one unit. Now, in the short-run, if a firm changes its output by one unit, it can change the quantity of the variable inputs it uses but not the quantity of the fixed inputs, so the change in its total cost equals the change in the cost of its variable inputs.
When a contract has been broken compensation for any loss or damage caused to an aggrieved party shall be given for ______________
An application for arbitration shall be filed___
A declaration made under Chapter 6 of Specific Relief Act 1963, is binding on:
Which of the following is not a power of the National Green Tribunal (NGT)?
Corporate insolvency resolution process shall mandatorily be completed within a period of ___________________ from the insolvency commencement date, inc...
All agreements are not contract if it is________________
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The period of limitation to file an application for leave to appear and defend a suit under summary procedure is:
After the after the commencement of the Insurance Act, 1938 no insurer carrying on any class of insurance business in India shall after the expiry of __...
On the death of a partner, when can the partnership business continue?
I. When there are more than 2 partners in the f...