The Galvanizing Organic Bio-Agro Resources Dhan (GOBAR-DHAN) scheme is implemented under the Swachh Bharat Mission Gramin-Phase 2, by the Department of Drinking Water and Sanitation under the Jal Shakti ministry. The scheme aims to augment income of farmers by converting biodegradable waste into compressed biogas (CBG). It was launched in 2018.
The item "Butter" is marked up by Rs. 490 above the cost price. Subsequently, a discount is applied, resulting in a 12% profit for the entire transactio...
A invested Rs X in a scheme. After 6 months, B joined with Rs 7500 more than that of A. After an year, ratio of profit of B to the total profit was 3: 7...
An item was sold at a 22% loss. If the selling price had been increased by Rs. 1,850, there would have been a 15% profit instead. Determine the original...
A shopkeeper bought two articles for Rs. 900 each. If he sold one of them at 40% profit and the other at 25% loss, then find the difference between the ...
A bought an article at 12.5% less of the marked price and sold it at 5% more than the marked price. Find the profit earned by him.
A shirt is marked 30% above the cost price and sold after a discount of Rs.200 at Rs.398. Find the cost price of the shirt.
The selling price of a washing machine is Rs. 1680. If the washing machine was sold at 40% profit, then find the discount offered given that the washing...
The combined cost price of Bournvita and Horlicks is Rs. 2000. With Horlicks sold at a 16% profit and Bournvita at a 20% profit, and given that the rati...
Selling an item for 300 rupees is the loss of 40% of the profit received on selling the same item for 1000 rupees. Know the purchase price of that item?...
A shopkeeper sold an article after giving a discount of 24% and made a profit of Rs.32. Find the difference between the marked price and selling price o...