
    Who publishes Human development index and report?

    A World Bank Correct Answer Incorrect Answer
    B UNICEF Correct Answer Incorrect Answer
    C IMF Correct Answer Incorrect Answer
    D UNDP Correct Answer Incorrect Answer
    E None of the above Correct Answer Incorrect Answer


    United Nations’ Human Development Index was released recently.  Published by the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), it is a statistical tool used to measure a country’s overall achievement in its social and economic dimensions. The social and economic dimensions of a country are based on the health of people, their level of education attainment and their standard of living. For the first time, the United Nations Development Programme introduced a new metric to reflect the impact caused by each country’s per-capita carbon emissions and its material footprint, which measures the amount of fossil fuels, metals and other resources used to make the goods and services it consumes. This metric is called- the Planetary Pressures-adjusted HDI, or PHDI. India dropped two ranks, standing at 131 out of 189 countries.

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