UJALA scheme was launched by PM Narendra Modi on 1st May 2015 under the government of India. The Ujala Scheme was established by replacing the Bachat Lamp Yojana is a joint initiative of Public Sector Undertaking of the Government of India, Energy Efficiency Services Limited (EESL) under the Union Ministry of Power and the Electricity Distribution Company.
Who was honored at the National Fame Awards 2024 for exceptional contributions in their field?
What was the primary reason for the initial dispute over India’s import duties on IT products?
The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) recently launched an exclusive 2-hour window called _________ for fintech companies to visit the RBI's FinTech departmen...
What was India's coal production for April 2024?
What is the main goal of the "European Ports Alliance" launched by the EU, and where was it inaugurated?
Which of the state movies has been nominated for the International Short film festival?
RBI made Legal Entity Identifier (LEI) mandatory for cross-border transactions for capital or current account transactions of Rs 50 crore and above, fro...
Where is the Headquarters of KVIC?
The country ’ s flagship payments platform, the Unified Payments Interface ( UPI ) , PayNow payment system has launched a real - time cross - border p...
In which city did India's First Lighthouse Festival take place to turn many lighthouses across India into tourist destinations?