Pradhan Mantri Matsya Sampada Yojana (PMMSY) was launched on 10th September 2020. The aim of the scheme is to bring about Blue Revolution through the sustainable development of the fisheries sector over a period of five years (2020-2025.) PMMSY was announced in the union budget 2019-20. It aims to: Adopt ‘Cluster or Area-based Approaches’ and create fisheries clusters through backward and forward linkages. Focus especially on employment generation activities such as seaweed and ornamental fish cultivation. Address critical gaps in fish production and productivity, quality, technology, post-harvest infrastructure and management, modernisation and strengthening of the value chain, traceability, establishing a robust fisheries management framework and fishers’ welfare. Consolidate the achievements of the blue revolution and bring new interventions such as fishing vessel insurance, support for new/up-gradation of fishing vessels/boats, integrated aqua parks, e-trading/marketing, etc.
Presumption as to a document which is 30 years old extends to the document if:
Prajakta keeps a WhatsApp status about abrogation of 370 and it’s effect a religious group in India. Prajakta is liable to be charged under?
Waging war against the government is punishable at the following stages___________.
When the abettor is present at the place of offence he shall be:
Counterparts of documents as against the parties who did not execute them are:Â Â
Abetting commission of offence by public or more than _____ people is punishable with 3 years of imprisonment.
A preference shall be deemed to be given at a relevant time under the IBC if it is given to a related party, during the period of_______
Whoever commits a criminal conspiracy other than offences punishable with death, imprisonment for life or rigorous imprisonment of 2 years or upwards i...
Which of the following statement is correct?
Is there any presumption as to genuineness of certified copies under Indian Evidence Act, 1872?
If yes, then under which section?      Â...