DNS. (Domain Name System) The Internet's system for converting alphabetic names into numeric IP addresses. For example, when a Web address (URL) is typed into a browser, DNS servers return the IP address of the Web server associated with that name.
What was the age of Sonu 10 years ago?
I. Ram is seven years older than Sonu.
II. The ratio of Ram’s present age to Sonu’s is 5:4...
Find length of the metro?
Statement I : If metro can cross a platform in 40 seconds and a pole in 24 seconds.
Statement II : If the sp...
There are five consecutive natural numbers. Find the highest number.
Statement I: The average of given five consecutive numbers given is 74. The ...
What is the labeled price of the article?
Statement I: The profit earned would be 20% if no discount is offered.
Statement II: The SP af...
What was the total compound interest on a sum after three years?
Statement I - The interest after one year was Rs. 200 and th...
A man invested a sum of Rs 25,000. He invested some part at 5 % p.a. and remaining at 5.5% p.a. How much money did he invest at 5 % p.a.?
What is the total cost of painting a conical flask at the rate of Rs. 60 per square metre?
Statement I : The radius and the height of the flask ...
An item (Burger) is sold at a profit of 20%. Determine the cost price of the item (Burger).
Statement I: The selling pri...
Is 'x' an even number?
Statement I: 'x' is not divisible by 8.
Statement II: When 1 is added to three times 'x'...
In how much time will a train running with a speed of 72 km/hr cross the second train?
I. The length of the two trains is 80 metres and 100 metre...