A normal CD- ROM usually can store up to _________data?
The correct answer is C
How many phases of the Lok Sabha election were held from 11 April to 19 May 2019?
Deficiency of which of the following vitamins causes excessive bleeding from wounds?
Which among the planets is orange in colour with white bands on it?
Consider the following statements for Amrit Dharohar Scheme?
I. Amrit Dharohar will be implemented in convergence with various Central Governme...
The STARS( Scheme for Translational and Advanced Research in Science) according to the National Education Policy will provide _______ crore funding/su...
With which neighbouring country did India sign the Farakka Treaty in 1996 for sharing of the Ganga Waters and on augmenting its flows?
Which company was awarded the Global Gold Award by The Green Organisation at the Green World Awards 2023 event in Miami, USA?
The feature of 'Bicameralism' in the Indian Constitution is borrowed from the Constitution of
How many competitions are there in the Pentathlon game?
In terms of ecology, an organism that can tolerate a wide range of temperature is referred to as ____.