The revolution launched in 1986- 1987 to increase the production of edible oil, especially mustard and sesame seeds to achieve self-reliance is known as the Yellow Revolution. Sam Pitroda is Known as the father of the Yellow Revolution in India. Yellow Revolution targets nine oilseeds that are groundnut, mustard, soybean, safflower, sesame, sunflower, niger, linseed, and castor.
What is the code for “true” in the given code language?
In a certain language, if JUICE is written as 8 and POCKET is written as 44, then how will DEAR be written in that language?
If FKDWHDX is coded as GLEXIEY, then how will MUST be coded as?
What is the code for “Others” in the given code language?
If 20 + 8 * 5 = e, then find the value of e < 2 > 4.
If ‘MANY’ is coded as ‘NXOV’ then how will ‘NONE’ be coded?
Which of the following is the code of ‘great deal success’?
What is the code for “several significant”?
If ‘BANKS’ is coded as ‘CCQOX’, then what is the code for ‘ CABLE ’?
In a certain code language ‘SHINE’ is written as ‘ITIFO’ and ‘PRIVATE’ is written as ‘JSQVFUB’. How is &...