The Irish Potato Famine, also known as the Great Hunger, began in 1845 when a mold known as Phytophthora infestans (or P. infestans) caused a destructive plant disease that spread rapidly throughout Ireland.
Under which communication network every employee can talk to every other employee in an organisation organization?
The DuPont Analysis uses the following ratios except:
As per Reserve Bank of India (Interest Rate on Advances) Directions, 2016 regarding External Benchmark can a bank adopt multiple benchmarks within a loa...
Given data that:
Finished goods Opening Inventory 30,000.
Finished goods Closing Inventory 50,000
Cost of goods sold 1,90,000...
A credit bureau is governed under which Act?
Training is seen as only a cost by those organisations employing?
The SEBI (International Financial Services Centres) Guidelines, 2015 came into force on ____________________
Interest coverage ratio can be numerically expressed in the form of the following equation:-
Net Sales = 40,00,000 (20 % GP Element) out of which 40% is on credit. Opening Receivables & closing receivables are 120,000 & 3,40,000 respectively. Ca...
What is the main change introduced by SEBI regarding the listing time for specified securities post the public issue closure?