Split plot design is used when two factors requiring different sizes of experimental plots in the same experiment and greater precision is desired in one factor over other
The 'Principle of diminishing returns' explains:
Downy mildew or Green ear disease of Sorghum is ______
Generally fats with saturated fatty acids are________ at room temperature.
The von Bertalanffy equation is frequently used in fisheries biology and fisheries management to estimate
The concept of venture capital was originated in:
Which of the following antioxidant is present in sesame oil?
Which of the following is not a function of Auxin?
Triple test cross is an extension of:
What is the recommended area of a calving box with adequate soft bedding?
Debeaking, also called beak trimming, is a partial removal of the beak of poultry, especially layer hens, when layer hens are confined to a chicken hous...