The microbial spoilage of canned food is classified as caused by thermophilic bacteria and mesophilic organisms. Most common spoilages of microbial origin are known as flat sour spoilage, Thermophilic anaerobic (TA) spoilage and putrefaction.
3, 10, 29, 66, ?
40 41 37 46 ? 55 19
...4 10 ? 62.5 156.25 390.625
...1, 7, 25, 61, ?
625, 125, 375, 75, 225, 45, ?
58, 63, 78, ?, 138, 183
98, 134, 198, ?, 442, 638
58, 67, ?, 76, 40, 85
4097, ?, 4359, 4493, 4629, 4767
What will come in place of the question mark (?) in the following series?
2, 5, 14, 41, 122, 365, ?