John’s eyes fell on the man’s (A) / shoes, one of which was high (B) / and other low, and he (C) / suddenly remembered something. (D) / No e...
Indeed, she saw it as a consequence(A)/ of what she claimed is (B)/ the other group’s strategy to (C)/drive a wedge between the two parties. (D)/ ...
As the demand for goods in (A) / Western economies come down, (B) / the region needs to look deeper (C) / within to grow markets and increase trade.(D) ...
After the World War II and the recognition of Poland’s government by Great Britain, the refugees is asked to return to Poland.
Flood and drought situations which Indian agriculture faced this year, have deeply affected kharif agricultural production of the year 2009 &nda...
The State is ahead in the agriculture sector and is expected to become self-reliant in food grain production in three to four years.
The dust risen like (A) / billowing clouds as the (B) / cab pulled up around (C) / the corner of 5th A Cross. (D) / No error (E)
(A) Certain of the molar teeth of the middle/ (B) of the series in both elephants and mastodons have the/ (C) same number of principal ridges; those in ...
There are still more than a dozen drivers, (A)/some of whom are currently driving in Formula 1(B)/ and some of whom are not, (C)/who have multiple possi...
The midnight session in Parliament that marked India’s transition to Goods and Services Tax was reminiscent of a similar occasion on the eve of In...