उनकी वाणी से असंख्य ......... खिल उठे एवं निर्जीव जनता को जीने का नवीन उत्साह मिला।
The correct answer is B
Fortification is the addition of key vitamins and minerals such as Iron, Iodine, Zinc, Vitamins, oils can be fortified with which of the following vitamin
The most popular grape variety in India is
The degree to which an innovation is perceived as consistent with the existing values, part experiences and needs of potential adopters
Ragi is a good source of
“Devine” and “Collego” are two agricultural substances used as
Which of the following soil conservation methods is most suitable for areas where soil depth is more than 2.5 feet and the land slope ranges from 16.67...
An equipment that uses synthetic materials with molecular composition comparable to pheromones to capture __________
If Indian banks fail to meet their PSL target, that amount goes to Rural Infrastructure Development Fund (RIDF) under NABARD. In case of foreign banks, ...
One-step resource for managing all activities of food testing through online interface is called as:
Which State in India has the highest irrigated area?