DRDO Junior Translation Officer Highlights 2022-23

Defence Research and Development Organisation or DRDO is a prestigious organization working under the Ministry of Defence. DRDO is responsible for research and development of state-of-the-art battlefield systems which are required and used by the Nation’s defense forces like the Army, Navy and Air Force. For this purpose, DRDO carries out a recruitment drive regularly to appoint eligible candidates to various posts, one of them being the Junior Translation Officer (JTO). The DRDO 2022-23 notification for the post of Junior Translation Officer (JTO). The application window was active between November 07 to December 07, 2022.

DRDO JTO Highlights 2022-23

Conducting AuthorityDefence Research & Development Organisation Technical Cadre (DRTC)
Official Website drdo.gov.in
Name of the Posts Junior Translation Officer (JTO)
Mode of application Online
Online Registration of Applications and Payment of Fees / Intimation Charges 2022-23 November 07, 2022 to December 07, 2022
Availability of Tier 1 Admit Card for OnLine Examination To be notified later
DRDO Tier 1 Online Examination Exam Dates To be notified later
DRDO Tier 1 Online Examination Exam Result To be notified later
Availability of Tier 2 Admit Card for Descriptive Examination To be notified later
DRDO Tier 2 Online Examination Exam Dates To be notified later
Number of Vacancies  33
Official Notification PDF [Click Here]

DRDO Junior Translation Officer Notification 2022-23

DRDO has released the notification for recruiting eligible candidates to various posts, one of them being the post of Junior Translation Officer. The DRDO JTO 2022-23 recruitment has been released for a total of 33 vacancies. The online application for DRDO JTO exam commenced on November 07 and closed on December 07, 2022. The DRDO JTO notification 2022-23 contains all the details regarding the application process, vacancies, exam pattern, eligibility criteria and more.

DRDO JTO Eligibility Criteria

Before you go ahead with the application process, it is essential that you make sure that you conform to the eligibility criteria laid down in the DRDO Junior Translation Officer notification 2022-23. This will ensure that your candidature does not get cancelled at a later stage. Refer to the DRDO JTO eligibility criteria below.

DRDO JTO Educational Qualification

To be eligible for the DRDO Junior Translator Officer exam 2022-23, you should possess the required educational qualifications as on December 07, 2022. Candidates awaiting results of the final examination as on the crucial date of eligibility are not eligible to apply.

Junior Translation Officer (JTO)

Master’s degree of a recognized university in English/Hindi with Hindi/English as compulsory/elective subject at the degree level


Master’s degree of a recognized University in any subject with Hindi as the medium of instruction and examination with English as a compulsory subject at degree level


Bachelor’s degree with Hindi and English as main subjects or either of the two as medium of examination and other as a main subject plus recognized Diploma or Certificate Course in translation from Hindi and English and vice versa or two years’ experience of translation work from Hindi English and vice versa in Central or State Government offices, including Government of India Undertakings

DRDO JTO Age Criteria

Apart from meeting the educational qualification criteria, you also need to conform to the DRDO JTO age limit criteria as on December 07, 2022. Refer to the table for more details on the DRDO Junior Translation Officer age limit.

Junior Translation Officer (JTO) Not more than 30 years

DRDO JTO Vacancy

DRDO has released a total of 33 vacancies for the post of Junior Translation Officer. These vacancies have been divided into general and reserved categories. The category-wise breakup of the DRDO JTO vacancies 2022-23 has been given below.

Junior Translation Officer (JTO) 33

DRDO Junior Translation Officer Exam Pattern

It is essential to know the DRDO JTO exam pattern before you begin preparing for it. The DRDO JTO 2022-23 exam will be conducted in two phases-

  • Tier 1- Computer Based Test (CBT)
  • Tier 2- Descriptive Test

Tier 1 Exam Pattern

The DRDO JTO Tier 1 exam will be a Computer Based Test (CBT) consisting of objective type multiple choice questions. The Tier 1 exam will consist of only two sections: General Hindi and General English. Furthermore, candidates will be provisionally shortlisted for Tier 2 in the ratio of 1:8. Given below is the DRDO JTO Tier 1 exam pattern.

SubjectMarksTime Duration
General English 40 1 hour
General Knowledge 40
Total 80 1 hour

  • There will be no negative marking for wrong answers.
  • The medium of examination will be Hindi and English.

The minimum qualifying marks for Tier 1 is:

  • 40% for UR/OBC/EWS
  • 35% for SC/ST

Tier 2 Exam Pattern

If you qualify the Tier 1 CBT exam, you will be called for the DRDO JTO Tier 2 exam. The Tier 2 exam consists of only one paper, i.e. Descriptive Test, which will consist of Translation and Essay. The Tier 2 exam pattern is given in the table below.

SubjectMarksTime Duration
Translation and Essay 200 2 hours

The minimum qualifying criteria for Tier 2 is:

  • 40% for UR/OBC/EWS
  • 35% for SC/ST

Please note that the final selection will be based on the marks obtained in Tier 1 and Tier 2 exams.

DRDO Junior Translation Officer Syllabus

Another important facet of exam preparation is knowing the syllabus. Before you start with your preparation, it will be beneficial for you to take note of the DRDO JTO syllabus 2022-23.

  • Tier 1 Syllabus

The Tier 1 exam will have two sections: General Hindi and General English. The DRDO JTO Tier 1 exam syllabus is as follows.

English Language Antonyms, Homonyms, Antonyms, Spelling, Word formation, Idioms and phrases, Fill in the suitable words, Grammar, Spotting errors, Sentence correction, Active/ passive voice, Phrases and idioms, Direct and indirect speech, Reading Comprehension, Passage completion, Theme detection, Deriving conclusion, Rearrangement of passage
Hindi Language

भाषा, लिपि, बोली और व्याकरण

वर्ण विचार

  • हिन्दी वर्णमाला
  • स्वर
  • व्यंजन
  • संयुक्त व्यंजन

शब्द विचार \ शब्द भंडार

  • सार्थक , निरर्थक शब्द
  • एकार्थी शब्द
  • अनेकार्थी शब्द
  • पर्यायवाची शब्द / समानार्थी शब्द
  • विलोम शब्द
  • वाक्यांश के लिए एक शब्द
  • समूहवाची शब्द
  • बहु अर्थिय शब्द 


  • वर्तमान काल
  • भूत काल
  • भविष्य काल
  • क्रियाओं का उचित काल





वाक्य के भेद

  • निषेधात्मक वाक्य ,
  • प्रश्न वाचक
  • विस्मयादिबोधक ,
  • आज्ञा वाचक 





  • समुच्चयबोधक
  • क्रियाविशेषण
  • संबंध बोधक


  • अर्थ एवं प्रयोग

वाक्य शोधन

  • शुद्ध /अशुद्ध वर्तनी
  • वाक्यों की अशुद्धियाँ
  • शब्दों की अशुद्धियाँ 
  • मात्राओं की अशुद्धियाँ

अपठित गदयांश

वाक्य क्रमबद्धता

अनुच्छेद क्रमबद्धता

रिक्त स्थानो की पूर्ति

परीक्षा मे विशेष रूप से पूछे गए प्रश्न -

  • गद्यांश
  • रिक्त स्थान पूर्ति
  • अनुच्छेद क्रमबद्धता
  • गद्यांश रिक्त स्थान पूर्ति
  • त्रुटि खोजना
  • मुहावरे/लोकोक्तियां (अर्थ /रिक्त स्थान)
  • पर्यायवाची/समनार्थी
  • विलोम
  • बहुअर्थीय शब्द
  • वाक्यांश के लिए एक शब्द
  • शुद्ध /अशुद्ध वर्तनी

  • Tier 2 Syllabus

The Tier 2 exam will be a Descriptive Test consisting of Translation and Essay.


After taking a note of the DRDO JTO exam syllabus, the next step is to collect relevant books and study material that will help you in your DRDO JTO exam preparation. To make this task a little easier for you, we have provided a list of important books that will take your exam preparation to the next level.

General English High School English Grammar and Composition Wren and Martin
Objective General English SP Bakshi
Word Power Made Easy Norman Lewis
Daily News Paper and Vocabulary Preferable The Hindu
General Hindi Objective General Hindi Kiran Editorial

DRDO JTO Exam Dates

The DRDO JTO notification 2022-23 was released recently. The online application link was active between November 07 and December 07, 2022. Furthermore, the crucial date of eligibility is mentioned as December 07, 2022. The DRDO JTO exam dates for Tier 1 exam have not been specified in the official notification, and will be notified later.

DRDO Junior Translation Officer Exam Important Dates

EventsImportant Dates
Online Registration and Payment of Online Fees/Intimation Charges November 07, 2022 to December 07, 2022
Download Tier 1 Admit Card To be notfieed later
DRDO JTO Tier 1 Online Examination To be notified later
DRDO JTO Tier 1 Online Exam Result To be notified later
DRDO JTO Tier 2 Online Examination To be notified later
DRDO JTO Tier 2 Online Exam Result To be notified later

DRDO Junior Translation Officer Salary

Upon selection as a Junior Translation officer at DRDO, you will receive your salary as per Pay Level-6 of the 7th CPC Pay Matrix, which will be Rs. 35400-112400 .

Junior Translation Officer (JTO)

Level 6 (Rs. 35400 – 112400)

Apart from the salary, the selected candidates will also be entitled to receive certain benefits like- Dearness allowance, House Rent allowance, Transport allowance,

Children Education allowance, Leave Travel Concession, Medical facilities, CSD

facility and other allowances/advances. Furthermore, the selected candidates will be covered under the National Pension System (NPS).


The candidates will be required to give their preferences for posting stations at the time of filling the online application form. Please choose your preference very carefully as no request to change the preference will be entertained later. Preference once given will be treated as final and irreversible.

Furthermore, the candidates will be appointed on probation, and are liable to serve anywhere within the limits of the Union of India, which also includes field locations/remote areas, as and when required.

Previous Year Question Papers

Previous year question papers often play an important role in the preparation of any competitive exam, and the DRDO JTO exam is no different. Through previous year papers, you not only get a fair idea of the exam pattern but also get an opportunity to understand the syllabus, exam structure and weightage of various topics. For this purpose, ixamBee is providing the DRDO JTO previous year question papers free of cost. Take the DRDO JTO previous year question papers to stay a step ahead of your competition.